Invisalign & ClearCorrect

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Invisalign uses plastic trays to straighten your teeth and help you get a more beautiful and healthier smile. These are almost invisible to the eye and are removable for eating. First, we take impressions of your teeth. We will send you a new tray every month that you will wear for most of the day. After the treatment is finished, you'll have a new and straight smile you'll be proud of! No metal, no wires, no pain. They're clear, comfortable, and discreet. Food won't get stuck in them as opposed to traditional braces. Find out why thousands of people have used Invisalign to restore their smile and their confidence. Make braces a thing of the past!


ClearCorrect aligners are similar to Invisalign in which they are clear, polyurethane aligners that slowly straighten your smile. These premium crack and stain-resistant aligners feature a high trimline for stronger retention, letting you go about your life more comfortably as they work. They're affordable and effective at slowly aligning your smile pain-free! They don't limit your diet and don't obstruct traditional flossing and brushing. Additionally, we use them to control single-tooth movement, isolating certain areas, and treating them effectively. Call us today to schedule your consultation and find out if ClearCorrect is right for you.